XTS Custom Pedals, Precision Overdrives

56x Telah Dilihat

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XTS Custom Pedals, Precision Overdrives

XTS Custom Pedals Precision Overdrive is a real screamer. From the King of Texas Blues to Rock-N-Roll royalty this overdrive design is undoubtedly the most popular overdrive circuit topology in history. The XTS Precision Overdrive is built like a tank and designed to provide guitarists with the ultimate overdrive tool that will withstand the rigors of the road and last for years. Every component selection and every part value gives the Precision Overdrive a sound second to none with overdrive characteristics similar to some of the most coveted amps ever produced.

The XTS Precision Overdrive is designed to feel and react like a real tube amp overdriving. Roll down your guitar volume and the pedal cleans up; turn up the volume on your guitar and the pedal saturates just like those mythical tube amps of the 50’s and 60’s. This overdrive is extraordinarily touch sensitive and the gain structure has been voiced to work with the guitar’s volume control to allow the player to adjust the amount of overdrive right from their guitar’s controls.

The Precision Overdrive has been engineered to have much higher gain capabilities than most standard overdrive pedals. The Precision Overdrive walks the fine line separating overdrive and distortion pedals. With the Gain control set at 3 O’lock and beyond the pedal has enough saturation to compete with many distortion boxes while still maintaining the dynamics that many guitarists demand.

The Precision Overdrive also cleans up enough to become a great boost pedal. With the Gain control set below 9 O’lock and lower and the Volume control set to taste – the pedal has enough output to be used as a clean boost. Whether you require lots of musical gain or a signal boost with clean headroom to spare, the versatile Precision Overdrive will serve you well.

The tone of the Precision Overdrive is very musical. The pronounced midrange hump common in many boutique overdrives has been eliminated without limiting your ability to cut through the mix with a sweet midrange tone. The authoritative low-end response works in tandem with the Color control. The Color knob allows the user to dial in pleasing high-end or dial out harshness without becoming overly dark.

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