DR Strings, Hi-Beam Lite Bass, LR-40 (40-100)

70x Telah Dilihat

Rp 545.000

Stok: Sedang Dipesan

SKU: 600781000079 Kategori: Brand:

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DR Strings, Hi-Beam Lite Bass, LR-40 (40-100)

Hi-Beam stainless steel bass strings are round wound and constructed on a round core which is unique in the industry. Hi-Beams require much more time, care and extra steps to make than other bass strings. The extra effort DR expends making Hi-Beams results in a bass string that is highly flexible and musically but not harshly bright.  They are renowned for durability, unusually long life, consistency and string-to-string balance. They don’t eat your frets. HI-BEAMS are the string to choose for brightness, punch and ease of playing.

Berat 1 kg